NEWS / Legal News - October 2018

New Workers' Compensation Rates Effective October 1, 2018

New Rates

Maximum Compensation Rate
Injuries occurring after 10/01/2018 will have a new maximum compensation rate of $1,098.54.
Statewide Average Weekly Wage
The SAWW as of 10/01/2018 will be $1,077.00, putting the minimum compensation rate for permanently and totally disabled employees at $700.05.

.645 Adjustment
The annual adjustment to the compensation rate for the upcoming year will be 3.46%. Please note that the adjustment may be capped at 2% or 3%, depending on the date of injury.

Supplementary Benefits Rate
As of 10/01/2018, the supp benefit rate is $701.00.

Rehabilitation Benefits
As of 10/01/2018, the maximum hourly rate for QRCs is $106.19 and the maximum hourly rate for job placement specialists is $85.06.

Independent Medical Examinations
The fee schedule rate for IMEs is increased by 0.45% as of 10/01/2018.
For a complete list of rate changes taking effect on 10/01/2018, including changes to the fee schedule, please see the DOLI website.